Discipleship Materials

What is Discipleship?

Discipleship isn’t just about trying harder or being better. It’s about recognizing our need for grace, receiving it through Christ, and being transformed from the inside out. It’s the call for all believers to follow Jesus, not as perfect examples, but as forgiven sinners — letting His Word shape us and His Spirit guide us as we are being changed. 

At Hope Community Church, we believe relationships are integral in this process — real, messy, grace-filled relationships. Whether it’s through small groups, coaching, or counseling, discipleship is about walking together in our shared need for Jesus. The resources on this page are here to help you respond to that call and to grow as a follower of Christ.”

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Frameworks of Discipleship

Featured Article

Discipleship can happen in a variety of ways and one of the primary ways it plays out is through relationships, whether one on one relationship or corporate relationships. Below are three frameworks to help one consider how discipleship can look in the life of a believer.

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Discipleship Concepts

Tools for the “gospel toolbelt” to help you understand what it means to be transformed from the inside out by the grace of Jesus Christ.

Small Group Leader Materials

Small Group Leaders serve as “front-line” shepherd leaders for the body of Christ at Hope Community Church, under the care and guidance of Hope staff and elders. They further Hope’s mission of honoring God by helping as many people as possible become more fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ through shepherd leadership in small group settings. The following materials have been created to equip small group leaders with tools & encouragement to continue in this work of small group leadership.

Devotions & Reading Plans

Devotions & reading plans to help you engage God in the word & grow more like him through its study.

Sermons on Discipleship