Theology of Stewardship and Money

Theology of Stewardship and Money

Our Theology around Money, Giving, & Stewardship

Here at Hope, we believe that giving is a worshipful response to God, as all of life is in response to how God has already given. We give not because we have to, but because we get to! We are also called to be intentionally mindful with how we steward His resources. So often, we equate “giving” with “money”, but we believe that is just one avenue of response. Hope believes there are endless ways to give and bless others. How we use our time, our gifts & skills are all ways that we can worship God with our lives!

Three Ways to Give

  1. Time – There are only 24 hours in a day. Where are you investing your time? How can you use it better to focus on eternal things rather than temporal things?
  2. Talents – God has gifted you in a unique and awesome way! You were created so that the larger body of Christ can function as complete and healthy! How are you utilizing the ways that God has wired you? How are you using your skills to be a blessing to those in your spheres of influence?
  3. Treasure – Every tangible resource we have was given to us by God, and let us never forget that it is His to begin with. Giving generously of these resources is a way to worship!

You may be able to give “more” in one of these areas as you go through different life stages – and that is normal! All are ways that we demonstrate that what we have belongs to the Creator and Sustainer of life.

Resources for Further Study

Sermon: “The Rich Fool” Luke 12: 13-21

Sermon: “Serving 2 Masters” Luke 16: 1-15

Podcast: “Money & Mission” – Pastor Jon Neal shares how we view money as a resource

Lecture: “Stewardship: Money Part 1” – an OffRoad lecture led by Ben Wacek and Jess Johnson

Financial Stewardship: Generosity Study

Small Group Material: Money


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