Small Group Studies

Over the years Hope has created many studies for your Small Group to work through together! You’ll find a variety of topics, and books of the bible covered, as well as a wide range of the lengths of the studies. Our prayer is these studies will help facilitate great conversations and encouragement in your Small Group!

Half Truths

Newest Study

We will explore seven pervasive cultural “half truths” that mislead our understanding of life, identity, and purpose. We will discover how Jesus is the truth, and to step into reality where his gospel liberates us from all the little lies that cling so closely. 

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Four Week Studies

2 Peter

Old Testament Studies


9 Week Study

Esther tells the story of Israel’s deliverance during exile. In this study, we’ll explore God’s divine guidance and protection of His people.


6 Week Study

During this study through the book of Exodus, we’ll look at several key themes in Exodus and how they point to truths that are ultimately revealed in the person of Jesus.


13 Week Study

Be encouraged! As you walk through the first book of the Old Testament, you’ll explore God’s faithfulness to his people, amidst their humanity & sinful ways.


3 Week Study

In this study, you can wrestle alongside Habakkuk, as he asks God some tough questions.


5 Week Study

Hosea is a short book about betrayal, heartbreak, a broken marriage, and the surprising grace of God. The bigger message involves our place in the story and the unexpected love of God.


3 Week Study

Joel is a book that implores God’s people to turn to him! This study will give you a chance to explore a call to repentance and God’s mercy & faithfulness.


9 Week Study

Come along with Nehemiah through this study that will bring you face to face with a number of big issues: opposition, perseverance, forgiveness and worship, to just name a few.


4 Week Study

The Psalms are a collection of hymns, poem, and liturgical texts written by various authors in the ancient kingdom of Israel. How do we better understand the Psalms in light of the person & work of Jesus Christ?


4 Week Study

This study will help us track with a greater arc of God’s love and faithfulness through the story of loyalty between Ruth & Naomi.

1, 2, 3 John

9 Week Study

What role does our small group play in our daily lives? This study of these three short books will address problems the church community faced, and how we can do life together as a small group today.

1 Peter

8 Week Study

This study looks at a letter written as an encouragement to the church as they are suffering for their faith

1 Timothy

6 Week Study

This study examines the charges and exhortations given to Timothy, particularly about prayer and the way we live our lives as followers of Christ, and draws connections we can make in light of them.

2 Peter

4 Week Study

This study helps us understand some of the basic foundations that can transform us as Christians and help us to live righteously with the help of the Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians

23 Week Study

This letter, written to a relatively new church who was struggling with unity and holding distorted views of worship, may be both challenging & encouraging!


38 Week Study

Acts records the events of the early church. In this study, we’ll explore the growth of the early church through persecution, hardship and trials.


9 Week Study

This study explores the letter written to the church in Colossae. In his letter, Paul wanted to balance teaching & correction with grace & encouragement.


11 Week Study

Paul wrote this letter to the beilievers in Ephesus to strengthen & encourage them in their faith and understanding of God and the church.


13 Week Study

This book was written early in the life of the church. In this series, you’ll discuss some of the foundational truths surrounding the Christian faith as well as the important role of Christ in our lives.


6 Week Study

James is a book full of moments that challenge our heart & flesh and continue to push us toward humility in Christ. Hopefully this study will lead to many great conversations!


32 Week Study

As you work through this study, you’ll take a deeper look into Jesus’ life, as Luke detailed many experiences people had walking, learning and listening alongside Jesus.


1 Week Study

A short New Testament book, this study will help us revisit the ideas of freedom in Christ and equality in God’s eyes.


24 Week Study

Perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, Romans has shaped Christian theology, local church mission, and individual lives for over 2000 years.


1 Week Study

What does accountability mean and how do we do this? Our hope is for small group members to think about God’s desire for accountability, explore misconceptions and discuss building blocks as we follow Jesus together.

Born is the King

6 Week Study

It can be easy to allow the familiarity and traditions of the season to be a barrier to authentic worship, but it is worth the effort to reorient our hearts toward God. These studies will give your small group a chance to look more closely at some of the Christmas hymns we sing each year.

Cultural Narratives

8 Week Study

In this series, we will examine messages our culture preaches that, for better or worse, create the “water in which we swim” everyday. We will discuss the benefits & drawbacks of each when considered in light of the gospel.

Discerning God’s Will

1 Week Study

This series is designed to re-orient our view of what it means to walk in God’s will. How can we live out the gospel through God-honoring decision making?

Gospel and Race

6 Week Study

The question of this small group study is, “How do we (Hope Community Church) seek meaningful justice, unity, equity, and honor for one another based on the Scriptural conviction that all people are created equal?

Fruit of the Spirit

9 Week Study

Where do we see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in our world? Take some time with your small group to explore these together and challenge yourselves to grow in them!

Half Truths

9 Week Study

We will explore seven pervasive cultural “half truths” that mislead our understanding of life, identity, and purpose. We will discover how Jesus is the truth, and to step into reality where his gospel liberates us from all the little lies that cling so closely. 

Holy Sex

3 Week Study

This study will encourage participants to understand and live out God’s design for sex and embrace redemption and restoration in areas of sexual sin. This study also discusses the unique joys and challenges in marriage and singleness.

How’s & Why’s

6 Week Study

This six-week series is designed to help small group participants understand Hope’s vision for small groups and, more importantly, by exploring what God’s Word says about Christian community, accountability, and the Body of Christ as expressed in the local church.

Mission of God

5 Week Study

These small group studies will examine God’s mission and the roles that Jesus, the church, and we ourselves have to play in fulfilling God’s mission in the gospel.

Made for God

5 Week Study

In this series, we will explore how, ultimately, each of us is made for God and what difference that then makes regarding identity, gender, and sex.

Not Just Another Story

6 Week Study

Jesus wasn’t a mere teacher or storyteller, but one who communicated, and is himself, the power of God for salvation. Let’s examine what makes the stories of Jesus so unique, powerful and life giving to us today.

One Anothering

5 Week Study

Each week of this study, we will look at ways Christ modeled this for us and, by his grace, we can extend this to others within and outside the church.


5 Week Study

Many times Jesus used stories (parables) to teach those who were listening. As you look at some parables together with your small group, hopefully you’ll be encouraged, challenged and reminded of Jesus’ great love for us.


9 Week Study

The prayers of the Bible have much to teach us about our freedom to relate to God through prayer, and in these prayers we learn about who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

Reformation: Amazing Grace

12 Week Study

This study will walk us through five key areas of the Reformed church: sola scriptura—Scripture alone, sola fide—faith alone, sola gratia—grace alone, sola Christus—Christ alone, and sola Deo gloria—for the glory of God alone.

Statement of Faith

12 Week Study

This study will walk through the core beliefs of Hope Community Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry at Hope CC is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

The Gospel Changes Everything

12 Week Study

This series will explore how the church can play a role in affecting positive change. The gospel changes everything.