September 14 2008
Series: Majoring on a Minor: Habakkuk
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Faith, God as Omnipresent, Prayer
Book: Habakkuk
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
September 7 2008
Series: Majoring on a Minor: Habakkuk
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Faith, Hermeneutics, Sin
Book: Habakkuk
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
August 10 2008
Series: Pastor's Open Mic
Four Views on Baptism: Baptismal Regeneration (Catholic) Baptismal Regeneration…Maybe! (Lutheran)…
July 20 2008
Series: Pastor's Open Mic
November 11 2007
Series: The Gospel According to Ruth
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Covenant, Failure & Disappointment, Faith, Grief, Relationships
Book: Ruth
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
June 24 2007
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Faith, Fear, Friendship, The Cross/Gospel
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Have you learned the two great truths that Peter did?…
June 17 2007
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Discipleship, Faith, Fear, Friendship
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus is put on trial by the religious leaders and…
May 27 2007
Jesus tells the disciples that even though they will mourn…
May 6 2007
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Faith, Life & Culture, Salvation
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
A sermon on living in Christ, and what that means…
March 11 2007
How can it be that people, after seeing all that…
December 17 2006
December 10 2006
November 5 2006
Jesus accuses the Pharisees of being spiritually blind. What does…
October 22 2006
The remarkable healing of a man born blind.
May 28 2006
John records the second sign that Jesus gives, the healing…