Prior to baptism, Hope holds a class where...
“Lordship“ Resources
Sermons for “Lordship“
September 8 2024
Series: Half Truths
Speaker: Davis Johnson
Topic: Lordship of God, Satan & Demons
Book: Genesis
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
What are half-truths, and why do they hold such power…
July 21 2024
Series: Gospel Mixtape: Wisdom & Songs
Speaker: Drew Zuehlke
Topic: Lordship of God, Missions
Book: Psalm
Campus: Heights - Columbia Heights
July 25 2021
Series: Parables: Uncovering Good News
How do we move from being angry about life and…
September 6 2020
Series: Second Peter: Growing in Grace
Speaker: Drew Zuehlke
Topic: Lordship of God, Pride
Book: 2 Peter
Campus: Heights - Columbia Heights
How do we recognize and interact with church authority? What…
July 12 2020
Series: Psalms
May 10 2020
Series: Psalms
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Jesus Christ, Lordship of God
Book: Psalm
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The importance of reading the Psalms through the lens of…
October 20 2019
Series: The Cry of the Soul of Nehemiah
Understanding Nehemiah in light of the Gospel Storyline..
March 4 2018
Moses’ time in Egypt is off to a difficult start,…
February 25 2018
Moses returns to Egypt after being empowered by God. How…
September 11 2016
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Atonement, Injustice, Kingdom of God, Lordship of God
Book: Luke
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Herod puts Jesus on trial and wants to see him…
June 5 2016
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Lordship of God, Worship
Book: Luke
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus finally arrives in Jerusalem after having set his face…
July 19 2015
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Identity, Jesus Christ, Lordship of God
Book: Luke
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
What is significance of Jesus fulfilling the role of Messiah?…
June 21 2015
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Authority, Lordship of God, Satan & Demons
Book: Luke
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus asks a question and the demons, not the disciples,…
August 25 2013
Series: No One Else Gets to be Jesus
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Authority, Father, Jesus Christ, Lordship of God, New Creation, Trinity
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
July 29 2012
Speaker: Sean Jergens
Topic: Authority, Church Leadership, Lordship of God, Purpose
Book: 2 Corinthians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Paul helps the Corinthians church see that there are false…
July 1 2012
Spiritual authority: what it is and what it is not!…
May 27 2012
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Idolatry, Lordship of God, Stewardship
Book: 2 Corinthians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
A gospel theology of stuff: 1) God created stuff. 2)…
May 20 2012
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Grace, Lordship of God, Money
Book: 2 Corinthians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Paul is not DEMANDING giving from the Corinthian church, but…
February 5 2012
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Identity, Kingdom of God, Lordship of God
Book: 2 Corinthians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
What is life like as a “jar of clay” and…
October 9 2011
Pastor Cor Chmieleski walks through four truths and responses for…
October 2 2011
Where is God in the midst of our pain and…
January 3 2010
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Authority, Identity, Kingdom of God, Lordship of God
Book: Genesis
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
January 11 2009
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Lordship of God, Trinity
Book: Deuteronomy
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
February 3 2008
Series: Don't Waste Your Life
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Legalism & License, Lordship of God
Book: Exodus
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
June 10 2007
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Kingdom of God, Lordship of God, Suffering
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane after Judas…
August 28 2005
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Lordship of God, Superiority of God
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
God is Creator God is Lord of All God isn’t…
December 26 2004
Series: Joy to the World
The last in a series examining the hymn “Joy to…