Bryan Talk about Politics Bryan Freeman shares about why it's important to think about politics and gives us some helpful ways to engage. *This is a podcast of Hope...
Bryan Freeman

Bryan Freeman
Bryan and his wife Alicia checked out Hope on a random day in 2005 on a whim, and Hope has been their church family ever since. Bryan and Alicia live in South Minneapolis, with their four kids, Anika, Isla, Judah, and Etta, and Bryan works as a lawyer at a Minneapolis law firm. Over the years, Bryan has served in various Hope ministries, including small groups, LDI Off Road, hospitality, the Governance Team, and the Overseer Team. Most of all, Bryan is thankful for the lifelong gospel friendships he and his family have found at Hope, and for Hope’s consistent preaching and teaching of the gospel in a way that consistently reminds us of the greatness of God and the amazing grace God has shown us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Outside of work and church, Bryan loves to play a good board game with friends, get out for a game of pick-up hockey, go for bike rides with the fam, and take in a ballgame at Target Field.