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Leif Johnson – Baptism Story

Leif Johnson – Baptism Story

Leif was baptized in fall 2022 at our annual kick-off. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I was fortunate to be raised in a God-fearing family and Jesus was always present at home in...

Matthew Miller – Baptism Story

Matthew Miller – Baptism Story

Matthew was baptized in fall 2022 at our annual kick-off. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I grew up in the church but didn't really understand what Jesus had done for me until I went...

Our Omnipresent God

Our Omnipresent God

Have you ever been out in the middle of nowhere? Like true wilderness? Some place where you can’t hear the hum from the highway and you’re just enveloped in such a complete silence that the silence itself is almost deafening? Sometimes those moments, for a city girl...

Why Hope Loves College Students

Why Hope Loves College Students

In 1996, I had the privilege of being the founding pastor of Hope Community Church, which we purposely started right by the University of Minnesota. I was told not to do this as college students are very transient and do not have any financial resources to help fund...

Small Group Fencelines

Small Group Fencelines

While no two Hope Community Church small groups are identical, some parameters have been established to help ensure groups maintain a healthy environment that is in keeping with the vision and philosophies of Hope Community Church. These parameters are referred to as...

The Jealousy of God

The Jealousy of God

Many people do not have a problem with a soft “teddy bear” God. However, the moment the words “wrath,” “anger,” or “jealousy” are mentioned, the room grows quiet and hands start fidgeting. All too often, when something is challenging, people give themselves the...

Progression of Relationships

Progression of Relationships

Relationships are a wonderful gift the Lord has given us in this life. He, in his all-knowing nature, knew that we need others,  we are not meant to do this life alone. While relationships are a gift, they can also be tough. Change is often taking place in...