Jesus has set a place for you at the table. Come and eat, his body broken for you. Come and drink, his blood shed for you.

The Plate (Ex. 12:1-6)Jesus has set a place for you at the table by becoming our Passover Lamb. His blood shed so death would pass over us. The plate, no longer filled with symbols of the Exodus story, but not filled with remembrance of our Lamb, Jesus who takes away the sins of the world.

The Cup (Matt. 26:36-46): Jesus has set a place for you at the table by taking the cup of wrath on himself so that all could be free from God’s wrath.

The Bowl (Matt. 27:19-24): Jesus has set a place for you at the table by taking your place on death row. Exchanging his innocent life for our guilty one. The bowl is a reminder that Pilate washed his hands of this absurd, seemingly unjust act.

The Spoon (Jn. 10:14-19): Jesus has set a place for you at the table by willingly serving us through his volunteering for death on our behalf. The spoon is used for serving, and reminds us of Jesus, the greatest servant.

The Fork & Knife (Jn 19:28-37): Jesus has set a place for you at the table through his suffering and death on a cross. The fork and knife remind us that he was pierced for our transgressions, and suffered for our treason against God.

The Napkin (Jn. 19:38-42): Jesus has set a place for you at the table defeating sin and death. The napkin reminds us of our victorious King who slayed the giant and is given a royal burial by his friends in a garden tomb.