Samantha Isomura

Samantha Isomura

by | May 1, 2024 | AAPI, Stories

Transcript Growing up, my parents really emphasized the importance of language in our home. They signed my sisters and I up for Chinese school on Saturdays, and always tried to nurture the growth of the language in our home. We certainly resisted this as we were going to American schools and speaking English, and that felt really cool, and Chinese school on Saturdays felt very uncool. But it wasn’t until I became an adult that I recognized and appreciated the value of knowing the language. It has certainly helped me connect with others, including my grandma and really become a part of my identity today as a Chinese-American, being a mom and having Chinese-Japanese kids. My husband Tosh and I prioritize speaking Chinese and Japanese in our home and efforts to give the same gift. That we receive from our parents and hopefully it can become a part of our kid’s identity and value that as they grow up.


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