Music and Poetry
The Level Ground Before the Cross | Romans 2:1-4
“I’m sure glad I’m not like that guy! Or… am I?” Why is it so easy to put ourselves above others, or to judge those who do __ ? What is it about us that always wants us to...
God’s Righteous Decree | Romans 1:32
Why do seemingly minor offenses, like “disobeying parents” (Romans 1:30) or “gossiping” (Romans 1:29) have such a harsh punishment (death - see Romans 1:32)? How do people...
Truth, Humility, and Homosexuality | Romans 1:26-27
In this expanded bonus episode, we take a much deeper and personal look into the issue of what God was thinking when He created sexuality and how to have humility and hope...
Romans 1 & Sexual Sin | Romans 1:21-27
What is up with Paul talking about sexual issues right away here in Romans? For more resources from Hope Community Church, or to learn more about us, visit our website at...
The Great Exchange | Romans 1:18-25
When you hear the word “sin”, what comes to mind? The breaking of a commandment? Doing harm to others? Breaking a moral code of some kind, either external or your own...
The Revealed Wrath of God | Romans 1:18-32
Paul has just told us in Romans 1:16-17 that he is really excited and not ashamed about the gospel (which means literally “good news”) of God. So, you would think that as...
The Theme of Romans | Romans 1:16-17
If you had to ask “what’s Romans all about?”, you would find no more succinct way to answer that than simply reading two verses from Romans chapter 1. Verses 16 and 17....
Paul’s Love for the Romans | Romans 1:8-15
If you take a moment to stop and reflect for what you are thankful for, I’m sure we can all come up with a list – food, shelter, jobs, etc. But when we stop and think...
The Greeting | Romans 1:1-7
In ancient letters, the greeting was a formal way of introducing yourself, as well as a hint as to what you were going to write about. The greeting in the letter to the...