November 13 2011
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Atonement, Biblical Theology, New Creation, Religion
Book: 2 Corinthians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Why is Jesus needed to complete the Old Testament?
September 5 2010
Series: What Makes Hope Tick?
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Holy Spirit, Legalism & License, Religion
Book: Galatians
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
March 21 2010
February 11 2007
In response to Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead, some…
November 5 2006
Jesus accuses the Pharisees of being spiritually blind. What does…
October 29 2006
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Legalism & License, Religion
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
A man, born blind, who sees better than the religious…
October 15 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Religion, Trinity
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus makes perhaps his boldest claim of divinity while talking…
September 24 2006
In the words of the great theologian, Bob Dylan: You’re…
September 3 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Mercy, Religion, The Cross/Gospel
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The Story of the woman caught in adultery, and Jesus’…
June 11 2006
Jesus heals the lame man at the pool, but why…
January 8 2006
The priests and levites ask John the Baptist who he…
March 13 2005
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Evangelism, Religion, Suffering
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The church in Corinth is founded, even amidst persecution.
July 11 2004
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Biblical Storyline, Evangelism, Religion, Suffering, Temple
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Four Parts of Stephen’s Defense: Laying the foundation: Acts 7:1-19…
May 2 2004
The religious leaders disbelieve even when in spite of miraculous…