September 18 2005 - September 9 2007
The Gospel of John was written by Jesus' close friend & disciple, John, a rough-around-the-edges, brash fisherman whom Jesus nicknamed the "Son of Thunder". By the end of John's gospel account, his life is changed so much that he is sometimes called, in church history, the "apostle of love". John wrote this account of the life, death, and resurrection of the man who changed his life, Jesus, in order that the reader "may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (Jn. 20:31). This series is takes an in-depth look at the book that tells the story of Jesus who became a man to die on a cross to save a lost people whom he loves deeply.
Sermons: 79
January 21 2007
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Grief, Purpose, Sovereignty
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus’ friend Lazarus dies.
December 3 2006
Jesus calls out some Jews for the unbelief regarding his…
November 26 2006
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Father, Jesus Christ, Spiritual Disciplines
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus is the good shepherd, but are we listening to…
November 19 2006
Jesus is The Good Shepherd and The Gate. In him…
November 12 2006
Jesus uses the analogy of sheep following a shepherd to…
November 5 2006
Jesus accuses the Pharisees of being spiritually blind. What does…
October 29 2006
Speaker: Cor Chmieleski
Topic: Legalism & License, Religion
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
A man, born blind, who sees better than the religious…
October 22 2006
The remarkable healing of a man born blind.
October 15 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Religion, Trinity
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus makes perhaps his boldest claim of divinity while talking…
September 24 2006
In the words of the great theologian, Bob Dylan: You’re…
September 17 2006
What does it mean to move from being a slave…
September 10 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Idolatry, Jesus Christ, Legalism & License, Lust
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus claims to to be the light of the world…
September 3 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Mercy, Religion, The Cross/Gospel
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The Story of the woman caught in adultery, and Jesus’…
August 20 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Church Planting, Legalism & License
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Hiawatha Church is commissioned, and we see inside the mind…
August 13 2006
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Redemption, Temple, Worship
Book: John
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Jesus finally declares who he truly is: living water.