October 26 2003 - July 11 2004
The book of Acts is, in many ways, a sequel to the gospel of Luke. It’s written by the same author, Luke, to the same person, Theophilus, and many of the themes present in the Gospel of Luke are continued throughout the Acts of the Apostles. This first section of Acts picks up where the Gospel of Luke left off at Jesus’ ascension. It describes how the gospel of Jesus spread around Jerusalem following the arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
Sermons: 25
February 1 2004
After the arrival of the Holy Spirit, Peter delivers a…
January 25 2004
The arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of…
January 18 2004
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Church, Holy Spirit, Prayer
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The church experiences persecution quickly after the ascension of Jesus.…
December 21 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Biblical Storyline, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Trinity
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
In this sermon, we’ll cover the birth, life, death, resurrection,…
December 7 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Discipleship, Evangelism, Holy Spirit
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The disciples struggle to understand Jesus purpose for them.
November 23 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Biblical Storyline, Covenant
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The disciples struggle to understand Jesus purpose for them.
November 16 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Biblical Storyline, Discipleship, Jesus Christ
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he tells the disciples to…
November 9 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Biblical Storyline, Hermeneutics, Jesus Christ
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
Though the book of Acts contains many different human characters,…
November 2 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Relationships
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The book of Acts follows the story of the founding…
October 26 2003
Speaker: Steve Treichler
Topic: Jesus Christ, Relationships
Book: Acts
Campus: Downtown - Minneapolis
The book of Acts follows the story of the founding…