The Gospel Changes Politics- Part 1: Be Blessed

The Gospel Changes Politics- Part 1: Be Blessed

Christians & Politics…What are we to do? Gospel Application Will you seek first Jesus Christ and His kingdom, and love all people, even those you disagree with politically? Will you pray for our governmental leaders, even those of the “wrong” party? Will you...
The Gospel Changes Politics- Part 1: Be Blessed

Our Social World

Social media has changed our world. Originally we pursued these platforms in hopes of connection and personal expression. This has morphed into being inundated with news, advertisements, political dissension, and endless scrolling. How does the gospel impact us in...
The Gospel Changes Politics- Part 1: Be Blessed

The Creation Mandate

Why have so many efforts to change our world proven ineffective, or even destructive? What does it mean to be a faithful presence of Christ in this world? This series will explore how the church can play a role in affecting positive change. The gospel, rather than...