Called to Remember

Called to Remember

God calls his people to remember both in the Exodus account, and today. Gospel Application What gospel is my heart tuned towards? What habits of remembrance can I do to point me back to the gospel of Jesus?  
Called to Remember

God Makes a Way

Gospel: God has made a way. Do you believe that you need help? Do you trust in God’s saving power? Community: How do you remember that God has made a way and killed death? Mission: The war has been won. How is God calling you to being the news of hope and...
Called to Remember

Remembering What the LORD Did

Questions to consider & discuss: Do you/we regularly remember what the Lord has done? Do you believe God is present and acting with power in your life?  
The Exodus: Seeing the Salvation of God

The Exodus: Seeing the Salvation of God

The Israelites finally leave Egypt. What is the gospel implication of this story? What is it that we are saved from? Gospel Application Are you rescued? Do you expect things from this rescue God has not promised now? Are you enjoying the fruit of your exodus?...
Called to Remember

The Passover of God

The feast of the Passover is instituted amongst Israel for their remembrance and protection. Much later, Jesus will give a fuller meaning to this feast in the spilling of his own protective blood over the lives of believers.