Union With Jesus

Union With Jesus

Pastor Steve Treichler walks us through Romans 6:1-14 and describes how much emphasis the Bible places on our union with Christ.  
Union With Jesus

Jesus is Our Christus Exemplar

Pastor Steve Treichler how Christ is also our example, specifically how we was our example in how he suffered.  
Union With Jesus

Jesus is Our Redeemer

Pastor Steve Treichler walks us through a biblical understanding of redemption, and specifically what and how Christ redeems us.  
Union With Jesus

Jesus is Our Expiation

Imputation is SWEET! But how does it help me deal with the guilt and shame of my past/current sins?  
Union With Jesus

Jesus is our Justification

Pastor Steve Treichler walks us through how understanding the meaning behind big theological words like justification, righteousness, and imputation, can literally change your life.