The Gospel and Same-Sex Attraction

Gospel Sexuality in a Non-Gospel World

If God created sex to be received as a gift and experienced at his direction for ever-increasing intimacy and benefit as an illustration of his relationship with us, then what difference does the Gospel of Jesus Christ make to those who follow him in every area of...
The Gospel and Same-Sex Attraction

What is the Point of Sex Anyway?

God created sex to be received as a gift and experienced at his direction for ever-increasing intimacy and benefit. What does that mean for us?  
The Gospel and Same-Sex Attraction

The Brokenness and Confusion of Our (Sexual) World

What difference does the gospel make in our sexuality? This is the question the Gospel Sexuality series will be addressing, and this sermon kicks off the series with three takeaways: EVERYONE’S sexuality is broken and confused in this fallen world We need the...