Gospel & Race
The Gospel and Race ministry equips the church to celebrate God’s creation of people, who’ve been made in his likeness and yet reflect a multitude of racial and ethnic differences. We support the church by finding resources, sharing stories, and building bridges. Sadly, in this country, we’ve been trained to be skeptical, distrustful, or even hateful of the one who is different from us. But the gospel reorients our minds and hearts back toward one another to listen, learn, and love. May the church, our church, celebrate how God is at work amidst all our differences for the sake of his name!
One way we equip the church is by finding helpful and trustworthy resources. There is SO much that could be taken in. So our team identifies accessible and quality podcasts, videos, or articles we believe will challenge and encourage you. The intent is not for us to fully agree on every point which is made in these resources. Rather the goal is for our community to engage in the conversation so that our minds and our hearts are all the more aligned to the Lord.
Christianity a Mediator Between Chinese & Chinese-American Immigration
“What does it mean to have an authentically Chinese perspective on life and the world? How do we navigate and overcome these conflicting realities which are generational, cultural, and political in nature? Christianity offers some natural bridges!”
Allen Yeh, Professor of Missiology at Biola University
Sharing Stories
Another way our team supports the church is by sharing stories. Most often these are stories coming from the people of Hope Community. Within this church, there are a number of racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds represented. So our team takes time to gather their stories and share them with the church. Slowing down to listen to another person’s story is sorely missing from the world in which we live. What a joy we have to hear how God has been at work in their lives!
What is Your Name and How Do You Pronounce It?
“What is your name and how do you pronounce it? The name Chuyee represents my identity as an Asian. The name Sam represents my American identity. As I reflect on 32 years of being Chuyee Samuel Xiong, I am filled with gratitude for the Lord’s intentional design.
Chuyee Samuel Xiong, Hopester, CRU staff member
Building Bridges
A final way we support the church is in building bridges. Engaging with resources & listening to stories could be done on your own, but we don’t believe that is our highest calling. We are called to live in community. Loving our neighbor & appreciating the differences requires closeness. It demands proximity & engagement. So we build bridges by taking chances, asking questions, acknowledging shortcomings, inviting conversation, & spending time with others to listen, learn, and love.
Questions to Reflect on & Pray Over
God, where’s the deceitfulness of my heart? Where am I treating my neighbor not as better than myself? Where am I assuming that I am superior and they are inferior because of the color of my skin? I am sorry. I have grieved you because they’re mad in your image.
Jackie Hill Perry
Our hope and prayer is that you would engage. It is easy to grow complacent or jaded especially when progress appears slow. We have an opportunity, Hope, to showcase to the world how we can joyfully live in unity despite dramatic differences. We can give witness to the wisdom of our Creator as we celebrate his design of all tribes, tongues, and nations. We can demonstrate the power of the gospel because it is at work in our hearts and minds to love our neighbor as ourselves. May our efforts reflect to a watching world how great is our God!
Asian American Pacific Islander Month
Featured Series
During the month of May, we’re observing Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Month by publishing articles written by several individuals within Hope with AAPI heritage. We’ll share stories, hear some challenges, and celebrate what God has done and is doing within our community. New articles will be released each Tuesday throughout the month of May. Below are articles that we released last year.
Related Resources
The Dragon Boat Festival
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God Through an Asian American Lens
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The Asian American Identity
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