In this week’s episode, the team discusses personality tests such as Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and Strengthsfinder. Our cultural views of personality tests exist on a spectrum ranging from a path to “self-actualization” to things to be feared because they are “unbiblical” in nature. The LDI crew examines helpful uses for these assessments when grounded with gospel truth.
Each episode features a quote of the week, big takeaways, and a Growing Together segment geared at imperfect leaders who are seeking development in their leadership potential.
Quote of the Week:
“Søren Kierkegaard says that the normal human ego is built on something besides God. It searches for something that will give it a sense of worth, a sense of specialness and a sense of purpose and builds itself on that. And, of course, as we are often reminded, if you try to put anything in the middle of the place that was originally made for God, it is going to be too small." — The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, Timothy Keller
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Host & Guests
- Paul Stiver
- Naty Severson
- Kaelyn Larson
Sound Engineer – Austin Sego
Technical support – Nolan Bauer
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