When sharing one’s life with others it can sometimes be hard to think of what to say. Our natural tendencies can be to pray for our best friend’s sick grandma or the neighbor’s dog that lost a leg. While those things are important, it’s important to create an environment where people can go deeper and share about the struggles and joys that are going on in their actual lives. The Three R’s of accountability can help you and those you’re close go deeper in the context of a community that prays for and encourages one another.
Relationship with God – Some questions you might think through for this one include, how is your time in the word? How is your prayer life? What are you wrestling through with God? what have you been praising God for lately?
Relationship with Others – How are things with your family, friends, co-workers, spouse and other people in your life?
Real Life – This is a bit of a catch all category for things that could be going on in life like work frustrations, battling sin in your life and any other personal struggles.