I don’t think anyone in the western world would...
Prayer is personal communication with God.1 It is an exclamation whereby his people cry out, “Help! We need you.” And on account of the gospel of Jesus Christ we are assured that he hears us and loves us. God is described throughout the Bible as our companion, helper, and advocate. In prayer, we are reminded that God is with us and for us.
Although prayer is personal, it doesn’t have to be private. We can pray both privately and corporately. We can pray on behalf of others or on our own behalf. We can pray to express worship and we can pray to express sorrow. We can pray when we have something to say and we can pray when we have nothing to say (Rom 8:26). God isn’t looking for an impressive prayer, just honest time with the people he loves—namely, you and me.
1Definition from Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology
Sermon Series
Prayer is a vital yet often confusing aspect of the Christian life. Do I pray enough? How should I pray? What should I pray about? The prayers of the Bible have much to teach us about our freedom to relate to God through prayer, and in these prayers we learn about who Jesus is and what he has done for us.
How do I pray?
The disciples ask Jesus in Luke 11 to teach them how to pray. Jesus replies with, what we now call, The Lord’s Prayer. These three sermons look at this passage of scripture so we can better understand what it means to talk to God as a Father, what a pattern of prayer in our lives should look like, and how to wrestle with doubt.
Small Group Study on Prayer
Interested in diving deeper into prayer with your small group? We’ve made a study for you to ponder what it means to have the freedom to relate to God in prayer and through it, learn who Jesus is and what he has done for us.
Need Prayer?
Please email your prayer request to your location’s prayer request email.
Would you like to talk to someone about prayer or what it means to be in relationship with God? Please reach out to a staff member, your location pastor, or visit our Get Connected page.
Articles on Prayer
A Prayer of Lament
Psalm 126...
A Prayer of Humility
Philippians 2:5-11...
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Psalm 103:1-12...
A Prayer of Resurrection
Sermons on Prayer
December 10 2023
Series: Born Unto Us
March 11 2007
How can it be that people, after seeing all that…
February 20 2022
Series: Ephesians
Speaker: Drew Zuehlke
Topic: Heaven & Hell, Satan & Demons, Sin
Book: Ephesians
Campus: Heights - Columbia Heights
March 24 2024
Series: Romans, Romans: Did God's Plan Fail?
Speaker: Jordan Anderson
Topic: Repentance, Sin, Worship
Book: Romans
Campus: Heights - Columbia Heights
December 6 2015
What is repentance? Have you made the decision to live…
August 12 2018
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