Baptism Story – Simon Teece

Baptism Story – Simon Teece

by | Oct 29, 2023 | Baptism, Baptism-Story, Stories

Simon was baptized in August 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting

I was born into a Christian household. I have been going to church since I was a baby. When I was a smaller kid, I knew the very basics of Christianity but didn’t fully realize what it meant. Over the past 3 years, I have gone on a bunch of retreats and trips to grow my faith and have fun with my Christian peers. I have attended youth group countless times, and it has helped me immensely to learn about Jesus and God.

The idea of baptism isn’t new to me. When the opportunity to get baptized came up, I decided to take it because I felt this huge conviction that I was a strong Christian and still hadn’t gotten baptized. I am very excited to show my faith in Jesus Christ because I’d like to find some more Christian friends and getting baptized is a good way to try to meet some of those people. After being baptized, I feel way more attentive at youth group and in service. I feel like I can understand the pastor better. Overall, I feel at an all-time high. I really like the verse Acts 2:38, “Repent and be Baptized, every one of you”, because it reminds me of the progress I have made by getting baptized.



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