If you try to read the Bible like you would any other book, you will invariably find yourself digging through the book of Genesis first of all. The first 11 chapters are...
Steve Treichler
Steve Treichler
We’re All in Big Trouble! | Romans 3:9-20
In our last episode of season one, we will look at how hopeless, lost, dark and alone is the human condition apart from God’s intervention in Christ. For more resources...
What Advantage is There in Being a Jew, Then? | Romans 3:1-8
Is there any advantage in being Jewish? If everyone is a sinner, was there any real point to the whole Old Testament story about Israel? What actually made them special?...
Your Religion is Killing You | Romans 2:17-29
Religion can be a beautiful thing, if handled correctly. However, it often has led to smugness, superiority and exclusion. Is your religion killing you? For more resources...
The Shifted Storyline | Romans 2:12-16
Do you like movies with a twist in them? The kind that seems to be leading you one way, and then, all of a sudden, you find out a certain piece of information, and the...
The Truth About Karma | Romans 2:5-11
If the scales of justice are how we are judged on the great judgement day of God, how will we fare? Are we judged by our deeds? For more resources from Hope Community...
The Level Ground Before the Cross | Romans 2:1-4
“I’m sure glad I’m not like that guy! Or… am I?” Why is it so easy to put ourselves above others, or to judge those who do __ ? What is it about us that always wants us to...
God’s Righteous Decree | Romans 1:32
Why do seemingly minor offenses, like “disobeying parents” (Romans 1:30) or “gossiping” (Romans 1:29) have such a harsh punishment (death - see Romans 1:32)? How do people...
Truth, Humility, and Homosexuality | Romans 1:26-27
In this expanded bonus episode, we take a much deeper and personal look into the issue of what God was thinking when He created sexuality and how to have humility and hope...
Romans 1 & Sexual Sin | Romans 1:21-27
What is up with Paul talking about sexual issues right away here in Romans? For more resources from Hope Community Church, or to learn more about us, visit our website at...