The Inner Struggle | Romans 7:13-25

The Inner Struggle | Romans 7:13-25 you ever stopped to wonder, why is the Christian life so difficult? Why, once I’ve decided to follow Jesus, is my struggle with sin so intense? That is exactly where the apostle Paul is going...

Is the Law Sinful? | Romans 7:7-12 does God have rules for our lives if He knows that we, as fallen creatures, are not going to be able to keep all of them? Doesn’t that make the rules (called the Law in Scripture) actually the...
The Marriage Analogy | Romans 7:1-6

The Marriage Analogy | Romans 7:1-6 radical and essential happens in our relationship with God when we become Christians. Way more than we would ever imagine moments after we first trusted Christ. Join us this week as we take...
Adam and Jesus – The Same, but Totally Different | Romans 5:12-21

Biblical Bragging! | Romans 5:6-11 hates a bragger. In fact, there are people that you just avoid on social media because they’re just filled with narcissistic tendencies. This week on Romans untangled we will look at how to...
What We Need Most Now: Peace & Hope | Romans 5:1-5

x=5. Now Check Your Answer! | Romans 4:1-25 Romans 4 the apostle Paul will be “checking his work” like a math problem to see if his answer of grace alone, Christ alone, faith alone, by God’s word alone, for God’s glory alone works though out...
Where Then, is Boasting? | Romans 3:27-31

Where Then, is Boasting? | Romans 3:27-31 It is something we do every single day. How am I doing in my job? Do I shovel the walk as good as my neighbors? Are my kids as well behaved as our friend’s kids? It is a constant theme for...