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  Chris thinks about time, Davis graduates seminary, and they discuss the second Exodus, hate poetry, bad meditation, and the apparel of the gospel. Red Tree...

Addison Bullis – Baptism Story

Addison Bullis – Baptism Story

Addison was baptized in April 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I have grown up surrounded by religion, and there as always been the truth that Jesus is there for all of us. I...

Third Place Jesus

Third Place Jesus

  Chris and Davis discuss counterintuitive preaching, how to read the prophets, the darkest corner in the Bible, the translucency of our suffering, and inefficient...

Jalen Ahlquist – Baptism Story

Jalen Ahlquist – Baptism Story

Jalen was baptized in April 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I accepted Christ when I was young, and faith has always been important in my family and my life. But when I came to...

Seeing God in Chinese School

Seeing God in Chinese School

The Chinese language primarily relies on pictographs to communicate. Supposedly, there are over 100,000 Chinese characters, although most experts agree that you need to know about 3,000 to 4,000 to be considered “literate”. The cool thing about pictographs is they...

We Are Not Like Moses

We Are Not Like Moses

  Chris jams his finger and Davis battles demon bunnies. Together, they discuss who the Song of Solomon is actually about, letters of recommendation, missing God on...

Both & Neither

Both & Neither

As a mixed race person, my experience with understanding my own racial identity has forced me to uncomfortably exist between two sides. When interacting with either side of my heritage, it’s hard to not feel like an illegitimate misfit. Even now as I write this...

Grabbing at Smoke

Grabbing at Smoke

  Chris and Davis consider meaninglessness in Ecclesiastes, a favorite Psalm of the New Testament, one-way vows, and the warnings of Revelation. Red Tree Readings:...

Kaelyn Larson: Testimony

Kaelyn Larson: Testimony

I was trapped in my brokenness, seeking to be satisfied by what the world has to offer. I believed complete satisfaction would be met each weekend I entered the bars, drinking to my heart's content. Yet, I would wake up each Sunday with immense feelings of shame for...