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Silence and Solitude

Silence and Solitude

I don’t think anyone in the western world would argue with the following statement: “We live in a time of tremendous and immediate access to knowledge, comfort, and entertainment.”  For those of us that are followers of Jesus, the following statement is also true: “We...

Justice Requested, Justice Received

Justice Requested, Justice Received

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. — Micah 6:8 The year 2020 has brought us two crucial things: COVID-19 and increased awareness of systemic racism in our...

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

You might have heard the phrase in your life (maybe by your parents) that ‘you are what you eat’. Now, obviously we know that our parents or teacher isn’t telling us that if we eat enough doughnuts or pizza that we will literally turn into that food but our bodies to...

Spiritual Gifts – What Are They?

Here are three New Testament texts that give us a better understanding of what Spiritual gifts are all about. Take some time to read and reflect on these passages.  Romans 12:3-8 (NIV) 3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself...

Good News Causes Heartburn

Good News Causes Heartburn

The end of Luke’s gospel tells the story of the first ever Easter Sunday. Before the springtime pastels, traditions, and egg-wars (not complaining, I’m very good at these). This is a big day. And where do we find the main character? The last time we see him, in the...

Virtual Choir: All Glory Be to Christ

Video Editing and Production: Scott Skaja Soloists: Andrea Johnson, Savannah Treleven, Sierra Diehl Choir: Noah & Ali Jackson, Brooke Noble, Collin Malaney, Coral & Andy Karsky, Dharma Amundsen, Haley Braaten, Jeffrey Fick, Julia Shaw, Julia Braaten, Kaelyn...

A Journey of Job

A Journey of Job   I with wife and young ones to give all my love with health, good fortune, and plenty to share what a lovely life, truly blessed by God above all was good, all was right, my God was there...