Browse Resources

Writing a Good Welcome Email

When newcomers join a small group, a positive first impression is critical in helping them to feel welcome and included.  One of the ways we can help this be a positive process is by sending a welcome email.  While it is very important for you to clearly communicate...

Both & Neither

Both & Neither

As a mixed race person, my experience with understanding my own racial identity has forced me to uncomfortably exist between two sides. When interacting with either side of my heritage, it’s hard to not feel like an illegitimate misfit. Even now as I write this...

What Makes Hope, Hope?

What Makes Hope, Hope?

A great part of my job is taking people out for a cup of coffee and hearing their stories. It also gives me a chance to hear people’s impressions of Hope. What brought them here?  What keeps them coming back?  If I had to boil it down to a couple comments that people...

The Asian American Identity

The Asian American Identity

Identity is something I have struggled with my entire life. I am a Japanese-American born in the United States to immigrant parents. My first language is not English and growing up I considered Japan my second home. I have had the opportunity to spend portions of...

Gushers & Assimilation

Gushers & Assimilation

You look at the table during snack time at the many different snacks all around you. Your mom of course packed you your favorite crustacean flavored chips.  As each of the snacks are taken out, goldfish crackers, fruit by the foot, and a wide assortment of treats from...

Shouts and Songs From Two Mountains

Shouts and Songs From Two Mountains

Understanding the message of the Old Testament and applying it today is a lot like watching the film “Fight Club.” Only at the end of the movie does the viewer discover that the two main characters are (spoiler alert!) one and the same. Moreover, a second watch is in...

Grieving Unmet Expectations

Grieving Unmet Expectations

Expectations. We all have them. Whether they are known or not, whether they are met or not. They can be sneaky and can reveal a longing, a desiring or a hope we didn’t know we had until that expectation was not met. Expectation is defined as the state of expecting or...

Justice Requested, Justice Received

Justice Requested, Justice Received

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. — Micah 6:8 The year 2020 has brought us two crucial things: COVID-19 and increased awareness of systemic racism in our...