Browse Resources

Writing a Good Welcome Email

When newcomers join a small group, a positive first impression is critical in helping them to feel welcome and included.  One of the ways we can help this be a positive process is by sending a welcome email.  While it is very important for you to clearly communicate...

Better Wine

Better Wine

You may know the first miracle Jesus performs publicly is at a wedding when he turns water into wine. What’s less talked about is why it matters today. The passage is John 2:1-12, and to really understand what it has to say, it’s helpful to first take an inventory on...

Breaking Shame Narratives

Breaking Shame Narratives

Shame. It’s a heavy word. One, when spoken out loud you can feel that “shame-like” feeling wash over you. It’s a feeling many have experienced and wish they hadn’t. Shame is a feeling that we, as God’s image bearers, weren’t meant to experience. Yet, because of the...

5 Lessons I Have Learned From My Time Overseas

5 Lessons I Have Learned From My Time Overseas

As the great theologian Bob Wiley said so many years ago, “I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful… I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful…  I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful…” For those of you who have not seen What About Bob? (spoiler alert? Not...

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

You might have heard the phrase in your life (maybe by your parents) that ‘you are what you eat’. Now, obviously we know that our parents or teacher isn’t telling us that if we eat enough doughnuts or pizza that we will literally turn into that food but our bodies to...