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How Do We Worship on Easter?

How Do We Worship on Easter?

In less than a month, we will be celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I didn’t grow up with a strong Christian foundation. I’d overhear comments at church about special days, services, terms, and theology and wonder about their significance. What is Lent? Or Ash...

Wonderful Counselor

Wonderful Counselor

The following is the first in a four part series on preparing your heart for the Christmas Season. It has been adapted from a sermon called “Preparing Your Heart for the Christmas Season” delivered at Hope Community Church by Steve Treichler on November 30, 2003. This...



Rhythm. As a musician, I hear rhythm everywhere I go. Rhythm is found as I practice songs for Sunday services on my guitar, the oscillating sound of the blinker in my car when I turn left or right, the song of the birds returning to sing in spring time, and even in...

Worship Series: Running

Worship Series: Running

“You see me limpin', I know you see me limpin' You can't tell on these CD's, but, bro, I'm knee deep in it I'm wading in my weakness, He made me dependent I'd be lyin' through my teeth to say I don't resent it Even as I write these lines I'm close to tears My body...

Frameworks of Discipleship

Frameworks of Discipleship

Discipleship can happen in a variety of ways and one of the primary ways it plays out is through relationships, whether one on one relationship or corporate relationships. Below are three frameworks to help one consider how discipleship can look in the life of a...

What is Discipleship?

What is Discipleship?

In the world today, it’s said the average person is to observe roughly 4,000 ads a day. The ways in which someone experiences advertisement is through television, radio, print (newspapers, magazines etc), online advertising, social media and through apps on a...

The Peace of Wild Things

The Peace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests...