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Church Planting at Hope

Church Planting at Hope

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus says, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it." In response to this great truth, our church­–Hope Community Church Downtown–has had the joy of starting 11 churches locally and supporting many more. It's not about us;...

Gender Roles

Gender Roles

The conversation surrounding gender roles in the church has been an interesting one for me to consider because of the tension I’ve wrestled with regarding this topic, especially as a wife and also a woman who works in ministry full time. Until this year, I didn’t...

A Journey Through Small Groups

A Journey Through Small Groups

There are many places in Scripture where God commands us, as followers of Christ to live and be in community with one another. We are not to do this life alone, we need others to support us and point us back to God in both the joys and trials of life. There are many...

What is Discipleship?

What is Discipleship?

In the world today, it’s said the average person is to observe roughly 4,000 ads a day. The ways in which someone experiences advertisement is through television, radio, print (newspapers, magazines etc), online advertising, social media and through apps on a...

Frameworks of Discipleship

Frameworks of Discipleship

Discipleship can happen in a variety of ways and one of the primary ways it plays out is through relationships, whether one on one relationship or corporate relationships. Below are three frameworks to help one consider how discipleship can look in the life of a...