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Small Group Vision Nights

Small Group Vision Nights

Having regular Vision Nights during small group is an activity our staff team would highly recommend. Whether you do it quarterly, bi-annualy or annually, casting vision for small group helps all participants to be on the same page. Regular Vision Nights allow those...

Small Group Fencelines

Small Group Fencelines

While no two Hope Community Church small groups are identical, some parameters have been established to help ensure groups maintain a healthy environment that is in keeping with the vision and philosophies of Hope Community Church. These parameters are referred to as...

Justice Requested, Justice Received

Justice Requested, Justice Received

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. — Micah 6:8 The year 2020 has brought us two crucial things: COVID-19 and increased awareness of systemic racism in our...