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Progression of Relationships

Progression of Relationships

Relationships are a wonderful gift the Lord has given us in this life. He, in his all-knowing nature, knew that we need others,  we are not meant to do this life alone. While relationships are a gift, they can also be tough. Change is often taking place in...

Virtual Choir: All Glory Be to Christ

Video Editing and Production: Scott Skaja Soloists: Andrea Johnson, Savannah Treleven, Sierra Diehl Choir: Noah & Ali Jackson, Brooke Noble, Collin Malaney, Coral & Andy Karsky, Dharma Amundsen, Haley Braaten, Jeffrey Fick, Julia Shaw, Julia Braaten, Kaelyn...

A Prayer of Lament

A Prayer of Lament

Psalm 126   A song of ascents When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said...