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Omar Abuzzahab – Baptism Story

Omar Abuzzahab – Baptism Story

Omar was baptized in December 2022. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting My faith journey comes from being born Lutheran and going astray at a young age before finally returning to...

Ryan Schnabel – Baptism Story

Ryan Schnabel – Baptism Story

Ryan was baptized in fall 2022 at our annual kick-off. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting Always had a distant relationship with God up until recently. Acknowledged He was there, but...

Leif Johnson – Baptism Story

Leif Johnson – Baptism Story

Leif was baptized in fall 2022 at our annual kick-off. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I was fortunate to be raised in a God-fearing family and Jesus was always present at home in...

Matthew Miller – Baptism Story

Matthew Miller – Baptism Story

Matthew was baptized in fall 2022 at our annual kick-off. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I grew up in the church but didn't really understand what Jesus had done for me until I went...

A Journey Through Small Groups

A Journey Through Small Groups

There are many places in Scripture where God commands us, as followers of Christ to live and be in community with one another. We are not to do this life alone, we need others to support us and point us back to God in both the joys and trials of life. There are many...

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

Combatting Idolatry in Our Lives

You might have heard the phrase in your life (maybe by your parents) that ‘you are what you eat’. Now, obviously we know that our parents or teacher isn’t telling us that if we eat enough doughnuts or pizza that we will literally turn into that food but our bodies to...

A Prayer of Lament

A Prayer of Lament

Psalm 126   A song of ascents When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said...

A Prayer of Humility

A Prayer of Humility

Philippians 2:5-11 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to...

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Psalm 103:1-12   Of David.  Praise the Lord, my soul, all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals...