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What Makes Hope, Hope?

What Makes Hope, Hope?

A great part of my job is taking people out for a cup of coffee and hearing their stories. It also gives me a chance to hear people’s impressions of Hope. What brought them here?  What keeps them coming back?  If I had to boil it down to a couple comments that people...

Why Hope Loves College Students

Why Hope Loves College Students

In 1996, I had the privilege of being the founding pastor of Hope Community Church, which we purposely started right by the University of Minnesota. I was told not to do this as college students are very transient and do not have any financial resources to help fund...



Rhythm. As a musician, I hear rhythm everywhere I go. Rhythm is found as I practice songs for Sunday services on my guitar, the oscillating sound of the blinker in my car when I turn left or right, the song of the birds returning to sing in spring time, and even in...

Breaking Shame Narratives

Breaking Shame Narratives

Shame. It’s a heavy word. One, when spoken out loud you can feel that “shame-like” feeling wash over you. It’s a feeling many have experienced and wish they hadn’t. Shame is a feeling that we, as God’s image bearers, weren’t meant to experience. Yet, because of the...

Progression of Relationships

Progression of Relationships

Relationships are a wonderful gift the Lord has given us in this life. He, in his all-knowing nature, knew that we need others,  we are not meant to do this life alone. While relationships are a gift, they can also be tough. Change is often taking place in...