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Sam Leidholt: Testimony

Sam Leidholt: Testimony

Some of my core childhood memories stem from my family's regular Sunday and Wednesday attendance at church. I believed going to church to be a societal norm, the same way going to school or going grocery shopping was what everybody in our small, rural town did. After...

Gushers & Assimilation

Gushers & Assimilation

You look at the table during snack time at the many different snacks all around you. Your mom of course packed you your favorite crustacean flavored chips.  As each of the snacks are taken out, goldfish crackers, fruit by the foot, and a wide assortment of treats from...

Justice Requested, Justice Received

Justice Requested, Justice Received

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. — Micah 6:8 The year 2020 has brought us two crucial things: COVID-19 and increased awareness of systemic racism in our...