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Baptism Story – Simon Teece

Baptism Story – Simon Teece

Simon was baptized in August 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I was born into a Christian household. I have been going to church since I was a baby. When I was a smaller kid, I...

Seeing God in Chinese School

Seeing God in Chinese School

The Chinese language primarily relies on pictographs to communicate. Supposedly, there are over 100,000 Chinese characters, although most experts agree that you need to know about 3,000 to 4,000 to be considered “literate”. The cool thing about pictographs is they...

God Through an Asian American Lens

God Through an Asian American Lens

We Should be Unified, Right? “So you’ll be working with Epic this school year!” My heart sank when I heard that - I was a first-year intern with Cru at the University of Minnesota and we were discussing assignments for which ministries we would be involved in besides...

Justice Requested, Justice Received

Justice Requested, Justice Received

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. — Micah 6:8 The year 2020 has brought us two crucial things: COVID-19 and increased awareness of systemic racism in our...