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5 Lessons I Have Learned From My Time Overseas

5 Lessons I Have Learned From My Time Overseas

As the great theologian Bob Wiley said so many years ago, “I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful… I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful…  I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful…” For those of you who have not seen What About Bob? (spoiler alert? Not...

Missions and Church Planting

Missions and Church Planting

Episode Notes Jon talks about missions at Hope and what Global Church Planting is. *This is a podcast of Hope Community Church, Twin Cities, MN. Created to encourage and...

Money and Mission

Money and Mission

Episode Notes Pastor Jon talks about money and mission. *This is a podcast of Hope Community Church, Twin Cities, MN. Created to encourage and equip the people of our...