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Baptism Story – Simon Teece

Baptism Story – Simon Teece

Simon was baptized in August 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting I was born into a Christian household. I have been going to church since I was a baby. When I was a smaller kid, I...

Our Omnipresent God

Our Omnipresent God

Have you ever been out in the middle of nowhere? Like true wilderness? Some place where you can’t hear the hum from the highway and you’re just enveloped in such a complete silence that the silence itself is almost deafening? Sometimes those moments, for a city girl...

A Personal Story

A Personal Story

When I shared my story with Cor, and he invited me to share it with Hope, I went back and forth for months if I wanted to do it. I grew up in the evangelical church, with messages about purity culture being thrown at me often, the main being don’t have sex before...