It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the competing voices and narratives that shape our lives. Often, these cultural messages—while well-intentioned—can leave us feeling burdened, anxious, or disconnected. This is why this fall, we’ll explore seven pervasive cultural “half truths” that mislead our understanding of life, identity, and purpose. But this series isn’t about proving who’s “right.” Instead, the goal is to discover how Jesus is the truth, and to step into reality where His gospel liberates us from all the little lies that cling so closely.

Small Group Study

Love = Agreement

Week 1

If you love me, you have to affirm the things I believe about myself and the world. If you don’t, we’re done here & it’s mostly your fault.

Control is the Goal

Week 2

I can engineer the good life. If I put in the right inputs (diet, exercise, spiritual disciplines, emotional regulation, 8+ hours of sleep per day, and 57 min of sauna/15 min ice bath per week) then things will go well for me.

Suffering is Meaningless

Week 3

Do everything possible to avoid suffering and get out from underneath it ASAP when it does happen. Hard things are in the way of my best life now.

Cheap Grace

Week 4

God is love and I’m not under law; therefore, if it feels good it must be right. I am the arbiter of right and wrong — who are you to say otherwise?

Be Perfect

Week 5

Failure and flaws are the biggest threat to a significant life. It’s important that others view me as without error in my speech, actions, and beliefs.

Identity is a Secret Puzzle

Week 6

Who I am is up to me. This means I need to discover my passions, gender, sexuality, religious and political beliefs. When I do, you need to affirm them.

Money Will Fix This

Week 7

What I really need is a good, high-paying job (& maybe a few side hustles) so I can solve my current and future problems with a big pile of guap
