Jalen Ahlquist – Baptism Story

Jalen Ahlquist – Baptism Story

Jalen was baptized in April 2023. If you have interest in getting baptized at Hope Community Church, you can learn more by visiting hopecc.com/baptism.

I accepted Christ when I was young, and faith has always been important in my family and my life. But when I came to college, I was tested in many ways. I found so much of my identity in my academic performance and relationships, and as these changed and faltered, I found God teaching me to rely more on him. Over the last four years, I have really made my faith my own and grown in ways I never would have imagined. For the longest time, I had a faulty view of baptism, and didn’t really understand the significance or importance of it. But hearing about it in church more recently, and reading the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, I have come to realize the joy and blessing it is to take part in baptism. With graduation coming up, I can think of no better way to start off my life post-college!

Here are two verses that were impactful for me:

Acts 22:16: And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.

Acts 8:36-40, the Ethiopian Eunuch’s reaction to the gospel



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