The Truth About Karma

The Truth About Karma

If the scales of justice are how we are judged on the great judgment day of God, how will we fare? Are we judged by our deeds? Gospel-Centered Application: 1. Do you feel like you have the “moral” or religious high ground” compared to others? 2. How much do you think...
The Truth About Karma

We Tend to Be Judgy

In the Lego Ninjago movie, a mother tells her son that high school is the best years of his life. And the son responds, “Have you been to high school…because it’s judgy, it’s pretty judgy.” It’s not just high school that can be judgy. You and I tend to be judgy. Where...
The Truth About Karma

God’s Little “L” Law

The last verse of Romans 1 holds in it the entire history of humanity. Just one verse! What is God’s righteous decree and who holds its knowledge? Why do they deserve to die? The answers are surprising, revealing a thread that ties the whole storyline together....
The Truth About Karma

Something is Terribly Wrong

A modern theologian said, “The fundamental sin is the failure to worship God.” And this failure to worship God results in all kinds of others sins and suffering and darkness and brokenness. Today we’ll see this play out not just in Romans but in the entirety of our...
The Truth About Karma

The Great Exchange

When you hear the word “sin”, what comes to mind? The breaking of a commandment? Doing harm to others? Breaking a moral code of some kind, either external or your own internal conscience? This week, we’ll look at the Bible’s premiere definition...